A Guide On Limb Lengthening Surgery

If you are short or have limbs that aren’t similar in length, you may want to make a change. Fortunately, you can gain several inches or correct certain conditions by undergoing limb-lengthening surgery. This procedure targets the bone and encourages growth to give you your desired length. If it’s your first time hearing about limb surgery, you may have questions such as, “Is limb lengthening surgery real?” or “Is limb lengthening worth it?” We tackle this and more questions to help you consider a limb lengthening procedure.

What Is Limb Lengthening Surgery?

Limb lengthening surgery is a cosmetic procedure that helps you increase your height or correct a deformity in the bone due to congenital defects, poorly healed fractures, and illnesses. The procedure depends on the body’s ability to regenerate and heal after an accident. To undergo this producer, you consult an orthopedic surgeon who performs surgery and installs a device that promotes none, soft tissue, ligaments, and nerve developments.

How Is Limb Lengthening Done?

Limb lengthening begins with a procedure known as an osteotomy. In this operation, the orthopedic surgeon cuts the bone to be lengthened. The specialist then installs the Precice nail to stabilize the leg. The device is locked into place with screws, and the surgeon then closes the incision.

Thanks to the Precice nail, you can enjoy limb lengthening without a massive external frame fixed to your limb. This modern fixator is placed internally and allows better healing and faster recovery. The surgeon can control this device using a remote control device to ensure gradual elongation.

How Long Does Limb Lengthening Surgery Take?

Limb lengthening surgery can take between one to two hours for each limb. However, your doctor can advise you on the duration, depending on your surgery. Usually, you may stay in the hospital for two or three days before going home to heal.

How Long Does It Take To Heal After Limb Lengthening Surgery?

After the surgery, the healing process begins. It can take anywhere from two to four months, depending on the desired length increase and the healing process. The healing happens in two main phases. The first phase is a distraction, where the cut bone pulls apart by a fraction of millimeters gradually. It’s a small process that encourages the regeneration of new tissue to fill the gap. The generation of new stem cells is called distraction osteogenesis.

The healing bone contains stem cells and bone marrow. To enhance healing in the entire surgical area, your orthopedic surgeon may drill horizontal holes in the bone to expose the marrow and stem cells. This process is called seeding, and it’s essential for the proper formation of bone, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and soft tissue.

During the healing process, you’ll mostly rely on assistance from people and devices, such as a walker or crutches, to get around. If the surgery is performed on your legs, you’ll walk with crutches and other assistance forms to avoid placing weight on the legs. However, as your bone heals, you can put more weight on it. It’s best to put away two weeks where you do not move around, except to visit your doctor.

Does Limb Lengthening Hurt?

If you’re considering limb lengthening surgery, you may wonder, “How painful is limb lengthening surgery?” Usually, you’re under anesthesia during the procedure so that you won’t feel any pain. However, after the surgery, you will experience some discomfort. You may also feel soreness when you start the lenghening phase. Fortunately, your doctor ensures that you receive the best pain management, primarily through medication.

Is Limb Lengthening Surgery Safe?

Limb lengthening procedures are safe. They have a high success rate, are minimally invasive, and leave minimal scarring. You are also safe in the hands of a board certified, trained and experienced surgeon and medical team that take all steps to ensure your safety before, during, and after surgery.

Also, limb lengthening does not weaken your existing bone, and neither does the new bone deteriorate over time. Once the new bone calcifies and the tissue heals, you can go back to your normal life.

How Much Does Limb Lengthening Surgery Cost?

The cost of limb lengthening surgery varies per patient. However, the general cost estimates are between $70,000 and $150,000. There are also additional costs for consultation, anesthesia, and your choice of the device. According to Height Lengthening, the cost of each device is anywhere between $13,000-$15,000 without insurance. You can learn more here.

Does Insurance Cover Limb Lengthening?

Limb lengthening surgery is a cosmetic procedure, which means that your health insurance does not cover it. However, your health insurance may still cover costs for medication, physical therapy, and any other complications that may arise from the surgery.

Fortunately, you can access limb lengthening surgery financing from CareCredit. However, you need a good credit score to qualify for this financing option. Consult your orthopedic surgeon to find out the financing options for your surgery.

How Many Inches Can You Grow With Limb Lengthening?

Usually, the ideal length increase one bone is 3 inches. However, you can gain up to six inches by performing two separate procedures on each limb.

Do I Qualify For Limb Lengthening Surgery?

A thorough evaluation is crucial before you undergo this procedure. Your orthopedic surgeon confirms if your condition is truly a discrepancy in leg length or another medical problem and identifies the reason for your limb inequality. Your doctor also checks your overall body health before approving you for the procedure. It’s best to consult your surgeon at Health Lengthening to confirm if you’re a suitable candidate for limb lengthening.

Is Limb Lengthening Worth It?

It’s essential to consider who qualifies for limb lengthening surgery to assess this procedure’s benefits. First, if you have inequality in your limbs due to a congenital defect, a fracture, or an injury, limb lengthening can help you correct the problem. For instance, you can straighten and increase inches.

his surgery is excellent if you have dwarfism because you can enjoy your life without the health complications and everyday challenges of having short limbs. If you are at risk of an amputation due to an infection or trauma to the bone, you can also benefit from limb lengthening.

Contact Height Lengthening today for more information on limb lengthening surgery.