Height Lengthening

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Height Lengthening procedure

Meet Moses! His starting height in 2016 was 5’5, and now he is at 5’10” after undergoing surgery on his femurs and his tibias.

Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 40-year-old man who grew from 5’4.5″ to 5’7.5″ with the Height Lengthening procedure. We used the Precice nails for his femurs. Despite his lack of flexibility prior to his surgery, he worked on stretching his quads and hamstrings for 3 months prior to his surgery. He was able to gain 7 cm in his height without any major stiffness once he was done lengthening. Currently he is 6 months out from his surgery and walking without any assistive devices!
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 26-year-old man who gained 7.5cm in his height by undergoing the HL procedure for his femurs. He is now a year out from his initial surgery and ready to take out his nails. He has recently started playing soccer again and is happy to report a major change in his dating life for the better!
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 35-year-old man who lengthened his tibias in another country using the old LON technique to gain 5.5 cm (2.2 inches) in his height. A few years later, he came to the Height Lengthening Institute to lengthen his femurs as well—this time using the Precice nail to gain another 8cm (3.1 inches). He gained a total of 13.5 cm (5.3 inches)! He went from 5’5″ to now being taller than Dr. Mahboubian at 5’10” (Dr. M. is 5’9″).

In comparison to the LON technique, Dr. M. was able to provide him with a much faster recovery with more lengthening and the convenience of lengthening at home. The patient had less pain, complications and scaring, all without the use of an external device. He recently had his nails removed and is back to his full active life!

Height Lengthening procedure
A 46-year-old man reached his peak height at 5’7″ and made it a challenge for himself to gain the desired height of 5’10” that he had always wished for. After undergoing the Height Lengthening procedure using the Stryde nails for his femurs, in 3 months he gained his desired height and has also been walking without assistance since 2 weeks after his surgery. He is a true warrior! Please note the photo on the right shows an additional 1 inch in his height because of his shoes.
Height Lengthening procedure
Throughout his life, this 24-year-old male was always teased about his height. He wanted to gain 6.5 cm to ensure that his proportions were not thrown off too much. He went from 5’6″ to 5’8.5″ and he is very happy with his newfound height.
Height Lengthening procedure
These are pre and post op pics of a 21-year-old man who decided to take off a semester from college to have the Height Lengthening procedure performed. After his full recovery within 4 months, he was able to finish his college education and go on to grad school. He is now back to playing soccer and golf as he was prior to his surgery!
Height Lengthening procedure
These are before and after pics of a 35-year-old man who underwent the HL procedure as a simultaneous quad lengthening (femurs and tibias) to gain a whopping 13.5cm (over 5 inches) in his height! This young man was much shorter than me and as you can see, he is now taller than i am.
Height Lengthening procedure

This is a 21-year-old man who went from 5’8.5″ to almost 6 ft tall! He underwent the Height Lengthening procedure for his femurs and is now enjoying his life to the fullest.

This 41-year-old man went from 5’2” to 5’5” using the precice nails for his femurs. Although he may still be shorter than average, he can still do his tibias to gain another 3 inches to be even taller. The photo on the right shows him prior to his removal surgery, about a year and a half after his original surgery.✨

Height Lengthening procedure
A man in his late thirties gained 3 inches in his height using the Precice nails in his femurs. He is now 6 months out from his surgery and is already starting to jog—his bone growth was very quick and he kept up with his daily physical therapy to maintain his muscle strength and flexibility. We are planning to have the nails removed in another 3-4 months.
Height Lengthening procedure
Here is a transformation of a young man in his thirties who was 5’3″. He underwent the Height Lengthening procedure by lengthening his femurs and his tibias in a staged fashion using the Stryde system. He gained a grand total of 6 inches (15cm) in height! He now stands at 5’9″ and slightly taller than Dr. M with his shoes on.
Height Lengthening procedure
This 55-year-old man was 5’9” and he is now 6’0. He underwent the height lengthening procedure on his femurs!
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 39-year-old man who underwent the Height Lengthening procedure in his femurs to go from 5’5″ to 5’9″. He recently had his Stryde nails removed after undergoing his surgery one year ago. He is able to walk and run without a limp or any difficulties. He also feels less stiff after taking out the nails and now has even more flexibility.
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 40-year-old man who wanted to reach his dream height of 5’9″. Starting at 5’6″, he underwent the Height Lengthening procedure for his femurs using the Stryde nails. He gained 7.5 cm in his height and he is now just as tall as Dr. Mahboubian!
Height Lengthening procedure

Meet Moses! His starting height in 2016 was 5’5, and now he is at 5’10” after undergoing surgery on his femurs and his tibias.

Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 37-year-old male who underwent the Height Lengthening procedure on his femurs with the STRYDE nail to gain 7 cm in his height. The patient was 5’3″ and is now 5’6″. In only a matter of 5 months, this patient has returned to running and jumping!
Height Lengthening procedure
42-year-old man who underwent the Height Lengthening surgery. He was 5’6″ prior to surgery and gained 8 cm in his height using the Precice technique on his femurs. He is now at 5’9″ and starting to go back to running after only a few months from his surgery.
Height Lengthening procedure

This is a 30-year-old man that underwent the Height Lengthening procedure for his femurs and tibias. He went form 5’6” to 5’11” in his height by gaining 3 inches from his femurs and 2 inches in his tibias using the Precice nail system. That’s a total of 5 inches total added to his height!

Height Lengthening procedure
This 27-year-old male from India was 5’6” and is now 5’9”! He had the Height Lengthening procedure performed on his femurs and he has now gained an amazing 8 cm (3.1 inches). We’re very happy with this patient’s recovery and he is slowly returning to all of his normal activities.
Height Lengthening procedure
He’s only 17-years-old and he permanently got 3 inches taller! This patient is now feeling more confident than ever before & he’s very happy with his decision to undergo the surgery.
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 29-year-old man who has always dreamed of being taller. His height was at 5’7″ and after undergoing the HL procedure, his height is now 5’10”. As you can see he is about the same height as Dr. M, but without shoes! He successfully underwent the HL procedure using the Stryde nails and is now ready to get them out.
Height Lengthening procedure
This 35-year-old man was 5’5″ and he underwent the height lengthening procedure using the Stryde nail for his femurs. He recently had the rods removed, a year after his surgery. He has a new and better perspective of life at 5’8″!
Height Lengthening procedure
This 19-year-old male who stood at 5’8.5” decided to undergo the height lengthening procedure once he had graduated from high school. He was able to gain 8 cm in his height using the Stryde nail system. He now stands above 6 ft tall towering over his own surgeon!
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 53-year-old woman who started at 4’10” and underwent the Height Lengthening procedure to gain 8 cm in her height. Now with 1-inch heels, she appears to be within the average height of most females at 5’2”!
Height Lengthening procedure
This 23-year-old female started out at 5’5″ tall. After the femur lengthening, she gained 8 cm to reach a height of 5’8″. It only took her 6 weeks before she stopped using crutches. She has now completed her lengthening and is slowly getting back to jogging and biking!
Height Lengthening procedure

These are pre-and post-op pics of a 21-year-old man who underwent the Height Lengthening procedure. If you were able to see the smile on his face, it would give you the whole story! He grew a total of 8cm, which was his ultimate goal!

Height Lengthening procedure
This 21-year-old man underwent the HL procedure to gain 2.5 inches in his height. As you can see, his height has increased without much notice of change with the rest of his body.
Height Lengthening procedure

This man has gained 8 cm (3.1 inches) in his height after undergoing the Height Lengthening procedure on his femurs. He was 5’3” and his new height is now 5’6”! The recovery went as expected and this patient couldn’t be happier with the results. He has a successful business and he is happily married, but he was always lacking confidence because of his height. His self-esteem is higher now and he will continue to excel in his successes in life!

Height Lengthening procedure
This man underwent the Height Lengthening procedure at 18-years-old to gain 3 inches using the Precice nail system in his femurs. He permanently grew from 5’5″ to 5’8″! He is now able to enjoy his new height for the rest of his life.
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 30-year-old man who was very uncomfortable with his height, especially because his wife was taller than him. In order to gain more confidence and feel like the man that he is, he underwent the Height Lengthening procedure and increased his height from 5’7″ to 5’10”. As you can see, he is just a bit taller than Dr. Mahboubian, even without his shoes on!
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 28-year-old male who started at 5’6″ and lengthened his femurs by 8cm (3.1 inches) with the Precice nail. He now stands at 5’9″ tall! Due to his incredibly strong and quick bone formation, he has been able to walk without any assistance after only 3 months from his surgery.
Height Lengthening procedure
This is a 47-year-old man who felt shorter than the average man all of his life at 5’7″. After undergoing the Height Lengthening procedure with the Stryde nails in his femurs to gain a total of 8 cm, he is now very happy and has gained a strong sense of confidence at 5’10”!
Height Lengthening procedure
19-year-old male with short stature who underwent a height lengthening procedure. The patient was 5 ft, 3 inches prior to surgery. We were able to lengthen his height by 8 cm, giving him a final height of 5ft, 6.5 inches. He has the choice of repeating the procedure again in his femurs to gain an additional 3 inches of height. However, he is currently living a full and active life and enjoying his new height with great confidence.
Height Lengthening procedure
Here are some pics of a patient who had undergone the HL procedure and was getting ready to have the Precice rods removed from the femurs. Notice how small the incisions are for this minimally invasive procedure.
Height Lengthening procedure
These are before and after pics of a 32-year-old man who felt he was always too short, especially when compared to his girlfriend. He underwent the Height Lengthening procedure and gained 7 cm in his height. He is now back to playing sports, running, and is enjoying a new found confidence with his new height.
Height Lengthening procedure
These are before and after pics of a 21-year-old male standing tall. He underwent the HL procedure for his femurs and tibias to gain a total of 14 cm in his height! He went from being 5’2″ to 5′ 7.5″ in a matter of one year. He decide to stage the procedure 6 months apart from each other to have an easier transition. He is now awaiting to have the rods in his legs removed, which will be done in the next few months.

Height Lengthening Surgery

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